Environmental Due Diligence Presentation in New York City

James P. Cinelli, P.E., BCEE
On Thursday, September 22nd, Liberty Principal James P. Cinelli, P.E., BCEE, will present at the Korean American Legal Association of Greater New York’s Real Estate Sub-Committee meeting on Environmental Due Diligence.
This program describes the evolution of environmental due diligence over the years, provides an overview of the ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment standard practice, and provides examples of environmental conditions commonly found at commercial properties. Additionally, the presentation will provide a summary of the New York City E-Designation Program and the impact it has on property transactions and the site development process. It will also briefly describe other City environmental programs that promote redevelopment, including the Brownfield Incentive Grants, Green Property Certification, Voluntary Cleanup Program, and Clean Soil Bank.
The meeting will be held at Newman Ferrara. For more information and to register, visit kalagny.org.