With a focus on delivering business-minded compliance support, Liberty Environmental’s air quality management practice includes engineers and scientists who provide air quality permitting, emission inventories, air dispersion modeling, ambient monitoring, air emission testing and compliance services for industrial and government clients.
Permitting and Air Pollution Control Evaluation
Air permits can put a plant expansion project on hold, failure to secure one can result in financial penalties, and errors in permit preparation can create unintended consequences. You know your business, we know air quality permitting. From compliance strategies and permitting to pollution control engineering, monitoring, and litigation support, our team is highly regarded for their ability to develop solutions and to address regulation in the most advantageous manner for our clients. Our team provides services for air permit applications for customers at manufacturing plants nationwide, including state construction permit applications, Title V renewal applications and minor modification submittals. We have permitting and technical contacts with over 30 state air regulatory agencies, and most EPA regions.
The type of air permit depends in part on the project air emission rates and the type of air pollution controls proposed. Liberty provides clients with options to limit project air emission rates to help simplify the requirement air permits and to expedite the air permitting review process. In the event that a project cannot avoid major source permitting, our experience with air dispersion modeling and BACT/LAER air pollution control evaluations, and our relationships with many state air regulatory personnel, ensures that the air permitting process with be smooth and predictable. Services include:
- State Air Construction Permits, Permit-to-Install, and Plan Approvals
- Title V Operating Permits
- State Only, FESOP, and Synthetic Minor Operating Permits
- Major Source PSD and Nonattainment NSR Permits
- Air Dispersion Modeling – AERMOD, CALPUFF
- BACT Analyses, LAER and BAT Determinations
- RACT Assessments for VOC and NOx Sources
- NESHAP/MACT Compliance for HAP Emissions Sources
- Air Pollution Control Device Specification, Design and Cost Estimation
- Air Emission Factor Development
- Voluntary Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting – Carbon Disclosure Project
- Mandatory Part 98 Federal GHG Reporting
- Cogeneration and Waste Heat CHP Project Planning and Permitting
- Permit Negotiations
Air Quality Compliance
Air quality regulations are notoriously complicated with numerous acronyms and regulatory flowcharts leaving many in the regulated community challenged to determine if new air regulations must be evaluated for a project or when an operating permit is being renewed. Our compliance specialists closely monitor federal and state air regulations and guidance, explaining the regulatory impacts on our clients’ business in plain language.
Increasingly, federal and state enforcement actions and citizen suits are alleging air pollution focusing on air toxics community impacts. Liberty Environmental’s experience with developing air toxic inventories, conducting air dispersion modeling, and designing and implementing ambient air monitoring programs provide our clients with turnkey solutions that provide defensible data in these cases. Our internal mapping capabilities provide graphics that clearly present air modeling and monitoring results and assist in communicating mitigation options. Services include:
- Air Emissions Stack Test Program Management
- Developing Air Emissions Tracking Systems
- EPA Method 9 Visible Emissions Testing
- Litigation Support including Dust Sampling/Analysis, Air Dispersion Modeling and Ambient Air Monitoring
- Regulatory Review and Air Quality Auditing
- Fenceline Air Monitoring for Construction/Demolition/Remediation Projects
- Air Pollution Forensic Studies including PMF Source Apportionment Studies
- Inhalation Risk Assessment Studies
- Third Party Air Permit Reviews for Government Agencies