Building Assessment Services
Liberty’s wide range of site assessment expertise isn’t limited to below the ground. Our capabilities extend above the ground surface and into building assessment, where we help real estate industry professionals understand the condition, risk, and costs of building ownership. From multi-family complexes within the country’s largest urban centers to industrial infrastructure along transportation corridors, Liberty has the capabilities to bring its built-environmental knowledge to all sectors of the real estate market.
Property Condition Assessments
Evaluations of the physical condition of a building and a site’s infrastructure have become integral to real estate decision-making, and therefore form a natural extension of Liberty’s due diligence services. Our detailed knowledge of environmental conditions is coupled with our understanding of historical can modern building systems to form a valuable set of services that can be used by lenders, attorneys, investors, buildings and planners to map out the ongoing needs – and the associated costs – of facility ownership and management. Our Property Condition Assessment services represent the latest industry standards and are conducted by qualified experts with certifications and licenses in building-related environmental evaluations and years of construction industry experience.
Asbestos and Hazardous Building Materials
Without a thorough knowledge of building materials within an existing structure, redevelopment projects can face costly delays when materials requiring special management are unexpectedly encountered during renovation or demolition. Liberty’s team of assessment experts includes scientists who are qualified and licensed to perform surveys of asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead-based paint (LBP), mold and microbial matter, and other materials that are collectively identified as hazardous building materials (HBM). Each of these materials poses a unique challenge to a building project through the need for proper identification, inventory procedures, pre-removal planning or demolition-phase management, disposal, and documentation.
With first-hand expertise that encompasses over 25 years of building industry knowledge, our building assessment specialists regularly identify, sample, and analyze these categories of materials and guide our clients through the maze of materials management. Liberty’s services extend beyond the pre-construction planning phase to include management plans and demolition-phase specifications, to ensure that the site work is performed correctly and environmental risks are minimized. Our overall goal is to provide our clients with the knowledge to protect worker and occupant health, meet regulatory obligations, and avoid project delays.