Get to Know the Team at Liberty Environmental
While many of us are working apart, let’s take this opportunity to get to know one another better! Over the next few weeks we will be spotlighting our team of environmental consultants, the experts who are here to help you!
Spotlight on Mirissia Eggerton

Here to Help: Mirissia Eggerton, Project Scientist
Areas of Expertise: Site Assessment, Regulatory Compliance, Wetland Delineation
Mirissia is a core member of Liberty’s environmental due diligence group. She is a seasoned professional in the performance of Phase I ESAs and Phase II Site Investigations. In addition, she supports industrial clients with environmental compliance assistance. A truly diversified team player, Mirissia is also well versed in the identification and delineation of wetlands and watercourses.
Outside the Office: Mirissia resides in Downingtown with her husband, two-year old son, dog, and baby # 2 on the way! When she’s not working, she’s making forts in the living room with her son, running races with her husband, attending concerts (at home) with her husband on guitar and her son on the drums, and serving on the children’s ministry team at Calvary Fellowship Downingtown. She enjoys gardening, knitting, and crafting.
Spotlight on Mike Zeiders
Here to Help: Mike Zeiders, Project Manager, Air Quality
Years of Experience: 25+
Areas of Expertise: Air Quality
Mike began his career as an Air Quality Inspector for the Pennsylvania DEP before transitioning to consulting, where he has provided environmental management consulting for industry and government for the last 25 years. When it comes to air pollution source permitting and control strategy preparation, air pollution control technology evaluation, regulatory compliance determination and preparation of source characterization emission inventories, he’s the guy you need to know.
Outside the Office: Mike enjoys chasing tiny fish, working on rusty stuff (old tractors) and travelling wherever his wife wants to go. Mike and his family reside in Berks County.
Spotlight on Tom Herold

Here to Help: Tom Herold, Project Scientist
Area of Expertise: Site Assessment, Investigation and Remediation
Tom is an environmental scientist based in Liberty’s NYC office, experienced in environmental site assessments, groundwater monitoring, subsurface soil and soil vapor investigations, brownfield redevelopment, remedial oversight, engineering control installation and monitoring, and implementation of the Community Air Monitoring Program (CAMP).
Outside the Office: Tom relocated from Canton, OH to New York, NY three years ago. He loves exploring NYC, trying new restaurants and bars, traveling, snowboarding, hiking, and cooking. He also enjoys a great puzzle. He is anxious for football season to begin again so he can cheer on his beloved Cleveland Browns.

Spotlight on Katlyn Bradenbaugh
Here to Help: Katlyn Bradenbaugh, Project Scientist
Area of Expertise: Site Remediation, Brownfield Cleanup, Underground Storage Tank Management, Environmental Compliance
A seasoned field technician, Kati is a master in groundwater, soil, soil vapor, wastewater and stormwater sampling and monitoring. She frequently conducts carbonate geology surveys and performs stormwater infiltration testing. Kati is currently studying to pass the exams necessary to become a Professional Geologist, licensed in by the state of Pennsylvania.
Outside the Office: Kati and her husband live in eastern York County, where they are restoring their home, a timber framed house built in the late 1800s. She loves cooking and entertaining, spending time with her family, being outdoors, helping people, and supporting her husband’s auto-cross racing. Kati is an active mentor for Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
Spotlight on Joel Reber
Here to Help: Joel Reber, Senior Field Technician, Licensed Building Asbestos Inspector
Area of Expertise: Joel has been with Liberty since the inception of the firm in 2004. He is Liberty’s “MacGyver”, as it relates to his extraordinary ability to build, fix, or solve any challenge sent his way in the field with the resources on hand. He manages onsite remedial activities, evaluation, design and implementation of remedial technologies, and storage tank inspection and removal projects. In the field, he leads wastewater system management, asbestos building inspections, hazardous building materials inspections, and hazardous waste sampling, characterization and disposal.
Outside the Office: Joel is notorious for his DIY projects at a scale that most cannot imagine. He’s currently transforming an entire house, among other ongoing projects. Joel loves scouting and proudly serves as a Scout Leader for a local troop. An outdoorsman, he also enjoys snowboarding, hunting, and fishing with his sons. Joel and his family reside on a mountainside in Berks County.

Spotlight on Kay Wagner

Here to Help: Kay Wagner, Project Engineer II
Area of Expertise: Environmental Compliance, Air Quality, Industrial Stormwater
Kay specializes in air quality management including air pollution source permitting and control strategy preparation, air pollution control technology evaluation, regulatory compliance determination and air pollution monitoring.
Outside the Office: Kay resides in Kutztown, PA with her husband, two-year-old son, two dogs, cat and five chickens. She enjoys completing house renovation and DIY projects, exercising, reading and spending time outside. Kay is currently the acting Vice Chairperson of the Oley Valley School District STEM board. In her spare time, you can find Kay enjoying a drink by the pool, visiting with family and chasing her toddler around the backyard.
Spotlight on Mindy Wagaman
Here to help: Mindy Wagaman, Project Scientist, Licensed Asbestos Inspector
Area of Expertise: Phase I ESAs, site investigation, storage tank management, brownfield redevelopment, ACM surveys
Years of Experience: 20+
As a seasoned environmental scientist and licensed asbestos inspector with more than twenty years of experience in the environmental consulting industry, Mindy brings a depth of knowledge in environmental due diligence and site remediation services throughout Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. From Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Phase II Site Investigation through remediation and site closure, she excels in the performance, coordination and management of field services. Mindy has been involved in hundreds of sites where a petroleum release, metals impacts, or PCB contamination has occurred. She has assisted numerous clients with coverage through the Pennsylvania Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund, the Act 2 Administrative process and other state cleanup programs, and forms related to regulatory compliance for underground storage tank systems.
Outside the Office: Mindy and her husband reside among the farm fields with their beautiful black labs and sweet cat. Mindy loves the outdoors, half marathons, great beers, and travel. She is an active member of her local library board and studying to be a pastoral counselor and community chaplain to serve her community.

Visiting the Czech Republic

Receiving kisses from her dog

Running a half marathon
Spotlight on Shannon Ryan

Here to Help: Shannon Ryan, Project Scientist, Wetlands Specialist
Expertise: Wetlands, Threatened & Endangered Species, GIS
Shannon is a valuable member of Liberty’s natural resources team with her experience in regulated waters delineations, threatened and endangered species habitat surveys, and GIS mapping.
Outside the Office: Shannon resides in central Pennsylvania with her husband, her 3 dogs and her extensive collection of houseplants. She’d have many more dogs if she could, but she satisfies that desire by fostering dogs for Double Dog Dare Rescue and

Lancaster SPCA. She’s currently pursuing her master’s degree in Geography at West Chester University and continuing to pursue her Professional Wetland Scientist certification. In her spare time you can find her gardening, spending time with her nieces, visiting PA breweries, and cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles.