Hazardous Waste Generator e-Manifest Registration Requirement

Effective January 22, 2025, small and large quantity generators of hazardous waste must register with EPA’s e-Manifest system to obtain signed and dated copies of completed manifests and to submit post-receipt data corrections requested by regulators. Beginning December 1, 2025, exception reports must be filed using e-Manifest.

To register for e-Manifest as an industry user, you must go to the RCRA Info Sign in page and create an industry user account. Once your e-Manifest account has been created, you will have to link it to your site and request access with permissions of either a Site Manager or Certifier in order to meet the registration requirement. Certifiers can create manifests, correct manifests electronically, and submit manifests. Site Managers have the same functions and can approve users and grant permissions to other company contacts at the site.

For additional information, see the publication of the final rule in the Federal Register.