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Oil and Gas Producers Face Up to Air Pollution Issues – Biebuyck Featured in the Environmental Business Journal
Gavin Biebuyck, Principal in charge of the air quality practice at Liberty Environmental, is a featured contributor to this issue of the Environmental Business Journal in the article titled “Oil...
Liberty’s Shale Gas Environmental Services Spotlighted in the EBJ “The Future of Fracking”
“Liberty Environmental Succeeds by Not Over-Promising” We were thrilled to receive an email from writer George Stubbs letting us know that his interviews with Liberty Environmental Principal, James Cinelli, P.E.,...
Air Permitting Aggregation Controversy – Pennsylvania is Battleground
On October 6, 2012 the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) published their “Guidance for Performing Single Stationary Source Determinations for the Oil and Gas Industries” which details the...