Energy Audit and Retro-commissioning for Office Warehouse Complexes
A wholesale beer distributor engaged Liberty Environmental’s energy efficiency engineer to manage all NYC Local Law 87 compliance activities for two large office warehouse complexes.
The work began with an ASHRAE Level II energy audit. In addition to reviewing 24 months of electricity and natural gas usage data from the two office/warehouse complexes, our energy expert performed comprehensive site visits, including a detailed lighting inventory and full examination of their refrigeration and HVAC systems.
This extensive analysis allowed a breakdown of energy use by each element (lighting, conveyors, space cooling, space heating, etc.). Focusing on the largest energy usage systems, our engineer was able to recommend a number of energy conservation measures (ECMs) specifically for each building to reduce energy usage and peak demand. Each ECM included the estimated cost of the strategy, the energy and cost savings, additional benefits (such as labor savings), and return on investment.
In addition, our engineer performed the retro-commissioning required of LL 87 for the two large buildings. Assessing the applicable portion of the 25 criteria for retro-commissioning found in LL 87, he determined several areas of improvement that the client needed to address. With the issues clearly delineated, the client was able to address each one successfully and promptly.
Our Liberty engineer submitted the LL 87 reports, both in text and NYC DOB formats, and the reports were approved.