Weaver Stream Restoration
In 2003, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation began a major highway construction project in southern Berks County, Pennsylvania, which converted a two-lane road into a 4-lane limited access highway. The Route 222 project involved extensive earthmoving and diverting several streams along the path of the highway. At one point along the highway, two streams were merged into one new culvert crossing, creating storm flows that greatly exceeded those that existed prior to the highway project. The increase of velocity and volume resulted in extensive damage to a small stream on a private property, for a length of approximately 200 feet. Liberty was retained to perform an analysis of the increase in storm flows, provide expert testimony during the condemnation hearing for the landowner, and to design a new stream channel that both prevented future erosion of the stream and provided for natural stream channel design elements.
Liberty provided expert testimony during the condemnation hearings, which resulted in the landowner being awarded for stream damages that resulted from the highway project. Design work commenced thereafter, and construction began in the Summer of 2010. The design included a riprap energy dissipater to reduce the velocity of storm flows existing the highway culvert at the head of the stream. The stream channel design included a low-flow channel, high-strength erosion control matting, and intermittently-spaced boulders to promote riffles and creation of natural stream habitat